Rick Simpson CBD Oil: What You Need to Know

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You might have gone through various medical journals which mentions about CBD oil or cannabis oil? However, off late the medical journals are also mentioning about Rick Simpson oil (RSO oil). Coming across the new thing called RSO oil will definitely bring a frown on your face. However, there is nothing to worry about it at all. RSO oil is basically a concentrated form of cannabis that provides numerous medical benefits.

Rick Simpson oil (RSO oil)

Who is Rick Simpson?

Before you delve deep into the topic to learn about RSO oil, you need to know about the person who was behind this great invention. At this point, one might argue that if RSO oil is just like the cannabis oil, then why should be given the credits. Well, RSO oil as the cure for cancer was rediscovered by Rick Simpson. Hence, his name was given for the oil he created.

Rick Simpson is a medical marijuana activist who has been trying to educate and make people aware about the tremendous power of cannabis oil. The oil was not only successful in treating his skin cancer, but other chronic diseases from which Rick Simpson was suffering.

What Is Rick Simpson Oil?

Rick Simpson firmly believes that RSO oil is capable of curing cancer. He has many facts to prove it. Through his documentary, “Run from the Cure” he tried to show that Rick Simpson Oil offers numerous possibilities to treat cancer and other health problems like arthritis, insomnia, and more.

Rick simpson oil

In his journey to show that cannabis oil is responsible for treating of killing cancer, he faced a lot of obstacles from the medial fraternity. However, he claims that RSO which contains high amount of THC cannabinoid in it can easily kill the cancer cells.

Rick Simpson in order to produce the Rick Simpson oil used different variety of marijuana plant. He used medical marijuana that came with Indica strain in it. This variety of plant contains high amount of THC cannabinoid in them. On the other hand, CBD oil contains high amount of CBD as it is obtained from the hemp plant.


Rick Simpson CBD Oil or Rick Simpson THC Oil


Many people wonder whether it’s possible to come up with Rick Simpson CBD oil instead of Rick Simpson THC Oil. Well, one can make the oil, but research has shown that THC is able to kill cancer in a far better way than CBD. However, the non-psychoactive and anti-seizure of CBD can help to get rid of epileptic seizures.

On the other hand Rick Simpson oil can help in inhibiting cancer growth. The high concentrated cannabis oil contains high amount of THC and low amount of CBD in them. The oil is made from cannabis extract by soaking the plant in the solvent. Once the solvent soaks all important cannabinoids in them, then the solvent is evaporated. It then leaves behind the oil.

Although in many countries, Rick Simpson oil is considered to be illegal, but doctors are also prescribing patients to use this oil. The oil can be used as an alternative cure for cancer along with chemotherapy.