Crushing Stage 4 Liver Cancer with Cannabis Oil

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Among the various kinds of diseases that are taking the lives of millions of people is cancer. Cancer is one deadly disease that slows starts to spread cancerous cells all throughout the body. The growth of cancer can be restricted if it is diagnosed at the right time. One might not feel devastated even if their cancer is not detected at the right time. However, with cannabis oil for cancer treatment one an easily get rid of their cancer even at a later stage.

Not to Feel Devastated

Doctors when diagnose patients with stage 4 of cancer, often states that there is no hope left. Usually, at later stage it is said that tumor can’t be cured even with chemotherapy. Patients who take the help of naturopaths for cancer treatment have often complained that it is not painful but they experience vomiting and other related health conditions. For example, naturopathy can affect the mind.

CBD and Cancer Treatment

Get Cured with Cannabis Oil

In order to provide cancer patients the best help with their treatment, numerous studies try to emphasize on the fact that cannabis can help in curing cancer. Even oncologists are recommending cancer patients to take the help cannabis oil along with the conventional form of treatment.

It was reported that a person who was suffering from liver cancer stopped using taking morphine. He then switched to using cannabis oil for cancer treatment. At the initial level, the cancer patient used a gram of oil per day. He usually added the juice of fresh bud and leaves with the vegetables and the diet he followed.

Soon it was seen that the cancer patient was recovering very fast. He was not suffering from any pain or inflammation. At this point many people argue with the fact that how the cannabis oil can crush the stage 4 of cancer. Basically, the oil contains high amount of cannabinoids like THC or CBD in them. These cannabinoids contain psychotropic property which helps in inhibiting the further growth of cancer.

cannabis oil for cancer treatment

How Cannabinoids Crush Cancer?

Cannabis oil for cancer treatment is able to crush cancer completely. For this one will need to know the process completely. The cannabinoids like THC activates the cancer receptor cells. It increases ceramide level and pushes out the mitochondria from the cell. When the source of energy gets cut of cancer cells automatically starts to die.

The real reason behind the death of the cancer cell even at a later stage is because of the genotic stress. The stress pushes out cytochromn C from the nucleus of the cancer cells. This results in blocking the pro-survival pathway of the cancer cells. Cannabis oil for cancer treatment also states that the creamide synthesis causes disturbance of the calcium metabolism. This causes disruption of the calcium metabolism. Eventually, it brings in the death of the cancer cells.

Cannabis oil for cancer treatment should not be used alone. It should be taken with proper diet in order to reap best benefits. Proper diet along with these medications can go a long way.